Marin County Parks & Open Space: Measure A Funding Renewal

December 14, 2021, the Marin County Board of Supervisors will be taking public comments on the renewal of Measure A funding that will be voted on by the entire County in June 2022. Nine years ago, voters approved a one-quarter cent sales tax (Measure A) to fund Marin County Parks, Open Space, and conservation easements on agricultural lands. Measure A has provided tremendous benefits including: new parks and playgrounds, acquisition of open space, operations and maintenance of existing county parks and open space, preservation of agricultural land, and funding for outdoor youth education experiences through its Breathe Respira program.

Nine years ago, voters approved a one-quarter cent sales tax (Measure A) to fund Marin County Parks, Open Space, and conservation easements on agricultural lands.

Since that time, priorities have changed in our community and now is the time to let the Supervisors know how you would like to see Measure A funds allocated to protect and preserve public lands in the future. 

If voters approve the quarter-cent sales tax in June 2022, we want to see more funding allocated towards climate crisis mitigation — acquisition of lands, waters, and wetlands that sequester greenhouse gases and protect water quality and biodiversity — and a greater focus on equity — including acquisition of Coast Miwok cultural lands and to bridge barriers that prevent youth from accessing Marin's public lands that addresses language, transportation, cost, and hiring a diverse and inclusive team.

We are asking our community to take some time to submit comments to the Board of Supervisors in advance of the December 14th meeting to let them know that priorities have changed and the funding allocations need an update.