The National Park Service (NPS) has begun their General Management Plan Amendment process for Point Reyes National Seashore.
NPS will be accepting public comments on a set of six conceptual alternatives until November 15th. NPS released a General Management Plan Amendment Newsletter that provides basic information on the approach NPS will take when reviewing potential changes to the management guidance.
At the beginning stage of this process, NPS is hosting two open house discussions in order to receive public feedback. Your participation at these meetings will help to shape the alternatives that will be evaluated as the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is developed.
Public feedback is important in this stage of the process as these conceptual alternatives are not the final alternatives. The public has an opportunity to ask questions, let the park know what is missing, and request clarity around proposed concepts. Public feedback will inform the next stage of the process.
Wednesday, October 25th
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
West Marin School
Point Reyes Station, CA
Thursday, October 26th
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Bay Model Visitor Center
Sausalito, CA