Give the Gift of West Marin!
CHARITABLE giving Through Donor Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized vehicle for charitable giving that makes it easy for donors to dedicate funds to support their favorite nonprofit organization. It also provides an operationally convenient and tax-efficient method for donors to manage their charitable giving.
With a DAF, charitably inclined individuals, families, and businesses make an irrevocable gift to a public charity, like the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin, that sponsors a donor-advised fund program. Donors may take an immediate tax deduction.
Donors can then recommend grants over time to IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) public charities. DAFs also allow donors to approach their charitable giving thoughtfully by involving other family members or colleagues in their philanthropic decisions. Most DAFs accept donations of long-term appreciated securities and other assets, and donors can advise how the funds are invested. This could create an opportunity for tax-free growth and could result in more direct funding and support for EAC. Contact your tax advisor or fund for more info.
Tips & Tricks
Whether you choose an annual gift or list EAC as a beneficiary of your DAF, you are making a difference for the protection of coastal Marin!
Please note: DAF gifts cannot be used to receive benefits. Please be advised: Can I use my DAF for that?
Many DAF funds default to anonymous, so please let us know if you made a gift so we can look out for it.
Gifts can be anonymous to the public, but please share your name and/or fund name so we can properly thank you!
Contact Us | (415) 663-9312
Organization Info
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin
PO Box 609
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
EIN# 23-7115368
Make a DAF Gift Today!
Have donor advised fund at Schwab Charitable? Recommend a grant from your fund today!
Have a donor advised fund at Marin Community Foundation? Ask them donate from your fund to our cause, today! Log In
Have a donor advised fund at The San Francisco Foundation? Recommend a grant from your fund today!
Have a donor advised fund at Tides Foundation? Ask them donate from your fund to our cause, today!