Our volunteer Board of Directors includes a group of highly committed volunteers and members who are critical to our mission.
Each year Directors are elected at the Annual Member Meeting, Potluck & Awards, typically held each June.
Members who wish to propose themselves or another member for election to serve on the Board of Directors shall express interest to the Executive Director or President, as well as fill out an interest form. Please contact the Director or Board President with any questions.
Our board and staff work closely with an advisory committee focused on our environmental work in general. Our work is also expanded through our advisory committees focused specifically on Duxbury Docents, our annual Point Reyes Birding and Nature Festival, and development. For interest in our development, Bird Festival, or Advisory Committee, please fill out an interest form. For interest in our Duxbury Docents advisory committee, please contact Leslie Adler-Ivanbrook.
Advisory Committee
Our Advisory Committee (board, staff, and other stakeholders) provides expertise and advice on the complicated issues facing our lands, waters, and biodiversity in coastal Marin. Their feedback and recommendations help broaden our view and scope when making decisions involving:
Land-use and planning
Protecting public lands (federal, state, and county),
Impacts of climate change including sea level rise planning and resilience,
Safeguarding our coast and oceans, including our local freshwater watershed
Protection of habitat and species, pesticide use, and pollution.
View our guiding principles for our work on issues facing Tomales Bay, Bolinas Lagoon, and their watersheds.
Terence Carroll, Committee Chair
Cynthia Llloyd, Ph.D., Board Secretary
Gerald Meral, Ph.D.
Bridger Mitchell, Ph.D, Board President
Patty Neubacher, Board Treasurer
Sarah Killingsworth, Esq.
David Wimpfheimer
Community Members
Sarah Allen, Ph.D., Retired National Park Service Ecologist
Tom Baty, Recreational Fisherman
Bruce Bowser, Bolinas Community Member
Woody Elliott, Retired, California State Parks Environmental Scientist
Don Neubacher, Retired National Park Service Superintendant
Kevin O’Connor, Program Manager, Moss Landing Marine Labs
Richard Ogg, Commercial Fisherman
Nils Warnock, Ph.D., Director of Conservation Science, Audubon Canyon Ranch
Coastal Marin Managers & EAC Partners
Our work is also complemented by the many coastal marin managers and EAC partners, who include:
California Academy of Sciences
California Dept of Fish and Wildlife, MPA Network
California Coastal Commission
California Native Plants Society, Marin Chapter
California State Parks, Tomales Bay, and Millerton Point
California State Parks, Marconi State Historic Park
California State Parks, Samuel P. Taylor
California State Parks, Mount Tamalpais
Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
Marin County
Marin County Parks and Open Space
Marin Municipal Water District
National Park Service - Golden Gate National Recreation Area
National Park Service - Point Reyes National Seashore
Audubon Canyon Ranch
Marin Audubon Society
Point Blue Conservation Science
Sierra Club California & Marin Group