Join West Marin Climate Action, EAC, Black Mountain Beauty, and Zero Waste Marin for a virtual screening of two important films about the expanding plastic industry, the crisis of plastic pollution, and the effect it has on the health of people and the planet. We invite you to watch at your leisure “The Story of Plastic”, and “Plastic Wars”, between November 28 and December 3. Links to the films will be provided upon registration.
Then, we will gather safely, in a virtual Zoom format to discuss how to disrupt the consumption of plastic, locally and globally. Come and hear from local experts:
Garen Kazanjian of Recology Sonoma Marin, Zero Waste Specialist
Eva Holman of Upstream Solutions, Policy Coordinator
Martin Bourque of Berkeley Ecology Center, Executive Director
Presentations will be followed by time for Q&A. The event will end with a Call to Action discussion and shared resource links. This event is FREE!