Event rescheduled from March 17, 2020 due to coronavirus
Now is the time for Marin communities to develop and implement plans for adapting to sea-level rise. Come learn about recent findings that affect you and how to support solutions. Experts from UC Berkeley and San Francisco State University/Estuary & Ocean Science Center bring their expertise to talk about Marin’s challenges and opportunities for adaptation.
Attend this event to learn about:
*Impacts of rising shorelines on the Bay Area and Marin
*Implications of higher groundwater levels
*Bay Area and Marin County impact assessments
*Sea Level Rise Adaptation Framework
*Adaptation strategies for urban and suburban areas
*Nature-based solutions
*Examples of recent Bay Area adaptation projects
*What can you do to make a difference?
Speakers include:
Dr. Kristina Hill, Associate Professor, UC Bekeley
Dr. Katharyn Boyer, Professor, San Francisco State University, Estuary & Ocean Science Center
Q&A Moderator, Dr. Stuart Siegel, Adjunct Professor, SFSU, Coastal Resilience Specialist at the San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve