OPC Teleconference Meeting
1. Welcome, Introductions and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Crowfoot, Council Chair
2. Introduction and Report from the Executive Director
Mark Gold, Executive Director
3. Report from the Science Advisor
Liz Whiteman, Executive Director, Ocean Science Trust
OPC SAT Position Statement: The Ocean Will Help California Recover (August 2020)
4. Advancing Strategic Plan Goal 1: Safeguard Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Communities in the Face of Climate Change; Objective 1.1: Build Resiliency to Sea-Level Rise, Coastal Storms and Flooding
Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds for Implementation of a Statewide Sea-Level Rise Communications Strategy
Justine Kimball, Senior Program Manager
5. Advancing Strategic Plan Goal 4: Support Ocean Health Through a Blue Economy; Objective 4.2: Promote Sustainable Aquaculture
Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds to Develop a Statewide Aquaculture Action Plan
Paige Berube, Program Manager
6. Advancing Strategic Plan Goal 1: Safeguard Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Communities in the Face of Climate Change and Goal 3: Enhance Coastal and Marine Biodiversity; Objective 1.1: Build Resiliency to Sea-Level Rise, Coastal Storms and Flooding and Objective 3.1: Protect and Restore Coastal Marine Ecosystems
Action Item: Consideration and Possible Adoption of a Resolution Supporting Updates to the National Marine Fisheries Service’s California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy
Whitney Berry, Program Manager
7. Advancing Strategic Plan Goal 3: Enhance Coastal and Marine Biodiversity; Objective 3.4: Improve Coastal and Ocean Water Quality
Discussion Item: Talking Trash: Identifying Policy Solutions to Address Plastic Pollution in California’s Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
Holly Wyer, Program Manager
8. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
9. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment
December 15, 2020; location TBD
Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the Council Chair.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Jenn Eckerle at jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov.