¡La temporada de verano de MPA Watch concluye con nuestra primera sesión de capacitación en español!
Coastal Advocate Intern, Dhalma Suarez, leads EAC’s MPA Watch first Spanish language training session at Corte Madera Marsh on September 26, 2021
La interna de Defensora Costera, Dhalma Suarez, dirige la primera sesión de capacitación en español de EAC para el programa de MPA Watch en el pantano de Corte Madera el 26 de Septiembre del 2021.
EAC delivered our first Spanish language MPA Watch training at Corte Madera Marsh this weekend. Thank you to our Coastal Advocate intern Dhalma Suarez who translated our MPA Watch volunteer materials, and fluidly delivered the training session to three eager volunteers for her capstone project.
EAC entregó nuestra primera capacitación en español sobre MPA Watch en el pantano de Corte Madera este fin de semana. Gracias a nuestra interna de defensora costera, Dhalma Suarez, quien tradujo nuestros materiales en español para voluntarios de MPA Watch y entregó la sesión de capacitación con fluidez a tres voluntarios ansiosos por su proyecto final.
As our group learned about California’s network of Marine Protected Areas, collecting community science data, and appreciating the beautiful and scenic day, we were treated to a river otter sighting at the mouth of Corte Madera Creek!
En lo que nuestro grupo se enteraba de la red de áreas marinas protegidas de California, el recolectó de datos científicos comunitarios, y mientras apreciando el hermoso y pintoresco día, ¡fuimos tratados a un avistamiento de una nutria de río en la desembocadura del arroyo de Corte Madera!
Following a year pause on our MPA Watch training, we are so excited to have restarted this program in force this summer! We conducted six MPA Watch trainings at locations including: Duxbury Reef, Limantour Beach, and Corte Madera Marsh. We brought 22 new volunteers into our fold, and with our continuing volunteers, 125 surveys were conducted this summer. Since inception in 2013, Marin MPA Watch has conducted 1,436 surveys.
Después de una larga pausa de un año en nuestros entrenamientos de MPA Watch, ¡estamos muy emocionados de haber reiniciado este programa vigente este verano! Realizamos seis capacitaciones de MPA Watch en lugares que incluyen: Duxbury Reef, Limantour Beach, y Corte Madera Marsh. Agregamos 22 nuevos voluntarios a nuestro redil, y con nuestros continuos voluntarios, se llevaron a cabo 125 encuestas este verano. Desde su creación en 2013, Marin MPA Watch ha realizado 1,436 encuestas.
Coastal Advocate Interns!
In addition, our program to support future advocates hosted another fantastic group of Coastal Advocate college interns this summer who participated in the trainings, conducted numerous surveys and entered surveys into the statewide MPA Watch database, expertly led the MPA Watch training at Limantour Beach in August, and completed capstone projects that expanded their relationship with our coast and helped contribute to EAC’s mission.
MPA Watch Volunteers
With sincere appreciation, we want to say Thank You to all of our new and continuing volunteers for participating in this valued program: Kent Khtikian, Frederic Leist, Jane Riney, Ashley Eastman, Lena Zentall, Kristin Nute, Sally Campbell, Fred Grumm, Elizabeth Sanders, Alycia Matz, Laurie Norton, Mara Staats, Ruth Catlin, Martha Jarocki, Eli Hanft, Isolda Wilson, Briana Muschi (trained at two sites), Ramona English, Brendan O'Connor, Laura Miller, Idiceli Reyes, Tono and Rosa Mendoza, Dhalma Suarez, Lauren Goetz and Kate Carpenter.
Our program currently has 23 active volunteers ready to collect data on the beaches throughout the fall and winter months. We will be hosting an additional training session on November 1st at Drakes Beach and the full program training will restart in the spring 2022. We hope you’ll join us.
November 2021 Drakes Beach Training completed