EAC and its members took to the streets on February 8th to rally against offshore oil drilling. Along with hundreds of environmental advocates and students, EAC was proud to be joined by two other West Marin non-profits, Turtle Island Restoration Network and Ocean Conservation Research.
The Marin County groups, along with other environmental organizations, rallied at the capitol building, then marched their way to the Sacramento public library where a federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management hearing was held.
“Marin County’s shoreline borders the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, eight Marine Protected Areas, and three special closures. The waters off Marin County are globally significant and provide a productive marine ecosystem, abundant wildlife, and valuable fisheries. The priceless biodiversity and thriving marine ecosystems of northern California waters are uniquely vulnerable to the impacts of an oil spill or fracking.”

Last month, the Marin County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to protect California’s coast from offshore drilling and fracking. California hasn’t approved new offshore oil and gas leases since 1984. Polls showed 69 percent of Californians opposed offshore drilling even before Trump revealed his dangerous plan to roll back the offshore-drilling safety standards adopted after the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Comments against offshore oil drilling are due March 9th and can be submitted here:
Stay tuned for more information about submitting comments and other ways to get involved.
More information:
Joint Press Release
Protesters Disrupt Trump Administration’s Offshore Oil Meeting in Sacramento,
KQED, February 7, 2018
Speak out against oil drilling off California’s coast,
Sacramento Bee, February 6, 2018
Supes say no to new drilling,
Point Reyes Light, February 1, 2018
Tagged: offshore, drilling, coastal, EAC, west marin
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