Limited Public Access Granted During Dispute

When the golf course closed at the end of 2017, the property was closed to the general public for recreational uses. In January 2018, the County allowed limited public access on the network of cart pathways and grass areas for pedestrians, dogs on leash, and bikes. This was welcome, as it allowed community members to use the property in new ways.

Unfortunately, due to public concerns over the removal of golf operations during the property planning process, the Marin County Board of Supervisors and Marin County Parks and Open Space made an interim planning promise to hire a temporary golf-operator to resume golf operations for two-years while the County completed the public planning and visioning process. The reason for this decision was based on ensuring that the property would be maintained and not fall into disrepair during this timeline.

In April 2018, Marin County Board of Supervisors executed a two-year agreement with Touchstone Golf and a maximum of $140,000 in annual subsidies for operations to cover expenses (any losses above that amount would be the responsibility of the third-party operator).

The consequence of this new agreement is that public access to the property would be restricted when golf operations resumed.

Parks for everyone

This was unacceptable! Community members wanted to continue to use the property for recreation now that the spring was here and the weather warming. EAC and other community groups, families, and individuals wrote several letters and provided public testimony airing their concerns at the removal of public access.

EAC provided written and verbal public comments to the Board of Supervisors supporting the acquisition of the property for use as a park and voiced concerns over the removal of public access, as it prevented people in the Valley from the opportunity to connect with the land and be able to fully participate in the public visioning process. We advocated for weekly public access to the golf course during the interim operations.


The Board of Supervisors were receptive to the concerns over the loss of continued public access and requested Parks return in 60-days with a plan to include public access on the property.

Due to EAC and other's advocacy, limited public access allowances at the property will return in July 2018 for Sunday afternoons and one Friday a month.

This is not enough public access to the property.

EAC will continue to advocate for additional public access hours and public recreational events to take place at the property.


The limited public access since January that includes a growing number of individuals and families taking advantage of the property for cycling, teaching children to ride bikes, running, walking, picnicking, dog walking, bird watching, photography, and fishing (in the ponds). We are able to see a glimpse of a true vision of the future use of the property as a public space. Touchstone Golf also announced a family programming series that includes movie nights on the green, community dinners, and a holiday event.

Let’s keep it up! Parks for Everyone.