Annual Membership Meeting, Potluck Picnic & Awards

2024 REcap

The Environmental Action Committee of West Marin (EAC) would like to thank our member community for joining us for the Annual Member Meeting, Picnic Potluck & Awards on Saturday, June 29th, at Point Reyes National Seashore's Bear Valley Picnic Area. The EAC board, staff, interns, volunteers, and members gathered over a delicious picnic potluck and lawn games, followed by our annual environmental awards ceremony and member hikes in the park.

We honored Sharon Barnett, co-owner of Marin Nature Adventures and science teacher at Marin Country Day School, with the Peter Behr Steward of the Land & Sea award for her indelible mark on fostering the next generation of stewards through school science education, outdoor education and exploration, and volunteerism. We also honored her for her time and expertise leading trips for EAC's Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival as a guide for the past 12 years.

Our Public Service award went to Amanda Eichstaedt and the KWMR Radio Team in recognition of the radio station’s public service to the community, airing locally relevant and emergency information and entertainment to listeners and creating a forum through which every voice can be heard. Specifically, we honored Amanda for her leadership and commitment to being inclusive and informative and bringing so many people together to enhance everyone’s sense of place.


Our Next Generation Advocacy Award went to Olivia Koeppel, Charles Haslett, and Henry Wooster, students at Marin Academy, for their volunteer work with us during the fall school year. They received training to become MPA Watch volunteers through their Climate Action course. They conducted surveys at Corte Madera Marsh Ecological Reserve, gaining insights into ecological changes. Additionally, they contributed to our Sea Level Rise in Marin County social media toolkit, researching impacts and crafting educational stories to advance climate action initiatives.

Our Volunteers of the Year awards were presented to John Dulger-Sheikin and Wendy Botwin. John volunteers for our Marin MPA Watch program at Limantour Beach, serves on the Bird Festival Committee, and assists with nearly every event. John also helps with educational displays, tech needs, administrative and research projects, and various maintenance tasks in the office. Wendy has been nominated for her dedication to the Duxbury Docents program and Marin MPA Watch. Trained in 2022, Wendy's passion and contributions have significantly enhanced the program's success and visitor engagement at Duxbury Reef.

We also recognized departing board directors Mairi Pileggi and David Weinsoff for their dedication to our mission, and former executive director Morgan Patton for her contributions to the organization.

In addition, our members reelected board directors Bridger Mitchell, Ken Drexler, and Terence Carroll. EAC is looking to fill additional seats on our board. Members who wish to propose themselves or another member for election to serve on the Board of Directors should express interest to Learn more about our Directors.

This delightful day ended with three naturalist hikes in the park with David Wimpfheimer, Sarah Killingsworth, and Todd Plummer, allowing our community time to get out in the places we love and protect.

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors—The Palace Market, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods Market—for making this event possible.

2024 EAC Environmental Awards


Individuals who dedicate their time to safeguarding the unique lands, waters, and biodiversity of coastal Marin through advocacy, education, research, and engagement.

Sharon Barnett
For her indelible mark on fostering the next generation of stewards through school science education, outdoor education
and exploration, and volunteerism.

Sharon Barnett is co-owner of Marin Nature Adventures, a science teacher at Marin Country Day School, a hiking instructor for the College of Marin, and one of Marin’s most dynamic interpretive naturalists. Known as Sharon Heron, she gets children and adults excited about nature. She is a longtime member of our nonprofit and has been leading trips for EAC’s Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival since 2012. She has volunteered for several docent programs across Marin including at Point Reyes National Seashore. She was also awarded the prestigious Terwilliger Environmental Award in 2011 for excellence in environmental education. Over the years, she has volunteered with many organizations and most recently founded California Toad Crew. She is an adventurous and hands-on educator who aims to foster curiosity and a deeper understanding of the natural world. Her teaching philosophy is that when we find something interesting, it prompts us to shift our mindset from disgust to curiosity. This shift allows us to gain valuable insights into ecosystems and the interconnectedness of life on Earth by embracing, rather than shying away from, creatures that might initially seem odd or unappealing.

“I'm deeply touched. I accept this award with gratitude and humility, knowing it represents the support and encouragement of many people who have helped me along the way. Thank you, EAC, for this honor. Your recognition inspires me to continue striving for excellence and making meaningful contributions to our shared goals.”
- Sharon Barnett


Public servants who demonstrate leadership to protect the lands, waters, and biodiversity of coastal Marin County through community outreach, education, or scientific study.

Amanda Eichstaedt & the KWMR Radio Team
In recognition of the radio station’s public service to the community airing locally relevant and emergency information and entertainment to listeners, and creating a forum through which every voice can be heard, and specifically for Amanda’s leadership and commitment to being inclusive, informative, and bringing so many people together to enhance everyone’s sense of place.

Amanda Eichstaedt has lived in West Marin since 2004. She has been the Station Manager/Executive Director of KWMR, West Marin Community Radio since 2010. Amanda lives in Olema with her husband Ken Eichstaedt and their dog Waylon. She has at least two things in common with EAC. Love of the natural world and the fact that litter bugs her. Amanda can sometimes be seen foaming the roadsides of West Marin with her picker and a bucket, cleaning the roadsides. When not at KWMR or pulling weeds in the yard, she can be found on the beautiful trails and beaches in West Marin.

“Thank you for this honor. I am humbled. Thanks to EAC for all the work that they do to protect the environment.”
- Amanda Eichstaedt


The next generation of environmental advocates working for positive change with creativity, leadership, and dedication.

Olivia Koeppel, Charles Haslett,
and Henry Wooster,
Students at Marin Academy

Olivia, Charles, and Henry, students at Marin Academy, were nominated for their volunteer work with us during the fall school year. They received training from us in the fall to become MPA Watch volunteers with their Climate Action Course classmates. Their participation in MPA Watch enabled a deeper understanding of long-term trends in use and ecological changes in the coastal habitat over time. After they completed the survey and data entry training, they conducted surveys at Corte Madera Marsh State Marine Park and Ecological Reserve and entered data. In addition, they wanted to deepen their work with us on a climate-related project to advance their education in climate action, so they decided to contribute and improve our Sea Level Rise in Marin County social media toolkit. In this extended project, they researched information about Sea Level Rise impacts in Marin County and crafted social media stories to illustrate the impacts to help educate the public. We were very happy to work with them and appreciative of their work to educate the community and advance our mission.


Volunteers who help deliver key programs to protect the environment in West Marin.


John Dulger-Sheikin

John has been nominated by the staff for his dedication, time, and skills he has brought to our cause over the past year. John volunteers for our Marin MPA Watch program at Limantour Beach, is on the Bird Festival Committee, and has spent numerous hours helping us at nearly every event, and in the office with our educational displays, tech needs, administrative and research projects, and several maintenance projects. In his spare time, he helps various organizations in the community including Launch for Hire, St. Columba’s Church, Zero-Waste efforts, and the Western Weekend festivities. He is a jack of all trades with an easygoing attitude, and team spirit that lifts the organization and expands our capacity. 

“I am so grateful to have found such a dedicated group of like-minded individuals in the EAC. The passion of its members is the wind in my sails and the driving force behind my participation. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have been welcomed into the fold of this amazing organization.” - John Dulger-Sheikin


One of our ongoing volunteers has been nominated for her ongoing work with our Duxbury Docents program (as a trained docent and Duxbury Docent Advisory Committee member), Marin MPA Watch program, support for EAC's mission and work, and participation in our events. She had been trained in 2022 when the Duxbury Docents program first launched, and like all of the docents, she was very supportive of the need for the program at Duxbury Reef, State Marine Conservation Area. She continues to be passionate about helping to ensure that the program remains successful. Her contributions of her time and energy stand out among the docents who all help to protect the treasured marine life at Duxbury Reef. She consistently provides valued feedback to us to improve the program, and her shift reports and MPA Watch surveys always include detailed descriptions of her interactions with visitors, which provide important information regarding visitor engagement. Her approach to visitors is very welcoming and positive, and she enjoys sharing her knowledge with them about the reef. This year, this volunteer deepened her commitment to the success of the program by becoming a member of the Duxbury Docent Advisory Committee.

“I’m extremely honored to receive this recognition as a Duxbury Reef Docent, serving as part of the first training group, gratefully mentored by last year’s award recipient, Kent Khtikian.  I love continually learning about the life we have the privilege to live with underneath the sea, in the soft shale edge, revealed to us during low tides.  I love sharing my awe and wonder with visitors from all over the world, helping them love to life the biodiversity symbiotically inhabiting this sensitive beautiful place, too often unknowingly loved to death.  Thank you to EAC for inviting me to serve in community with all of you.”  


Support Our Mission - Join or Renew

Join our community of dedicated supporters whose annual contributions help us protect and sustain the unique lands, waters, and biodiversity of West Marin through advocacy, education, and engagement opportunities.

Membership starts at $35 for individuals and $50 for households of two. Contributions are 100% tax-deductible,
and membership is based on the calendar year.

Member benefits include:

  • Protecting the lands, waters, and biodiversity of West Marin.

  • Exclusive access to annual Member Meeting & Awards (each June) and election of EAC’s Board of Directors.

  • Early-bird member registration (one week before the public) and waived registration fees to our annual Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival (each April).

  • 10% retail discounts in our Advocate store in Point Reyes Station.

  • Annual invites to Litter Bugs Me/Coastal Clean Up Day, Piper on the Ridge, the Winter Gathering, and other events, or volunteer opportunities.

  • Subscription to our printed and online Advocate newsletter.

Often our efforts are not fought overnight, so your annual support is critical to our ongoing efforts to ensure environmental protection measures are in place and lasting.

Banner Image by Carlos Porrata