Beach Clean-Ups
Be a part of the solution, not the pollution.
Beach cleanups are a great way to protect marine life from ocean pollution. Plastic waste and other trash find their way to the ocean through watershed runoff, wind transport, beach recreation, ocean vessels, and industry. Directly or indirectly, we all contribute to ocean pollution! Cleaning up trash from the beach is a great way to give back to our life-sustaining oceans, and reminds us about the importance of using less plastic.
Check back to see if we have any planned beach clean-ups in addition to the link below. Remember you can always bring a bag and collect trash anytime you visit. If you would like to plan a group clean-up in coastal Marin and want to borrow our buckets, gloves, grabbers, and bags, we can accommodate groups throughout the year. Contact our team for details.
Coastal Clean Up Efforts Gallery
Photos by Sarah Killingsworth