Litter Bugs Me & Coastal Cleanup Day
September 16th-20th, 2025
Working together to support a Cleaner California Coast
Volunteer for the 41st Coastal Cleanup Day (Individuals)
September 20th, 2025 | 9 AM - 12 PM
Volunteer for the 16th Annual Litter Bugs Me (Teams)
September 16th-19th, 2025 (Adopt a Spot)
Inviting local businesses, clubs, village associations, and nonprofits to join us for Litter Bugs Me as a Team Up to Clean Up Crew! Groups adopt a spot, roadway, beach, or creek in coastal Marin to clean up after the busy tourist summer season and before the first winter rains.
Community Groups who have participated include:
Audubon Canyon Ranch, East Shore Planning Group, Inverness Association, Nicasio Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, Marin County Board of Supervisors Dennis Rodoni Team, Salmond Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN), Olema Valley Association, Point Reyes Station Village Association, Rotary West Marin, Tuesday Irregulars, West Marin Climate Action, and West Marin Community Services Youth Center.
Coastal Cleanup Day is an international event dedicated to clean-ups worldwide. As part of our week-long "Litter Bugs Me" initiative, we host volunteers on the official Coastal Cleanup Day. This is a fantastic opportunity for individuals to volunteer in our community and make a meaningful impact on the wildlife and habitats within our watershed.
Volunteers are provided with all necessary supplies, including safety vests, reusable bags, buckets, grabbers, and gloves. Additionally, we offer snacks and drinks to support their contributions to this crucial environmental protection effort.
Give Back — Sponsor This Community Cleanup!
Sponsor Litter Bugs Me and Coastal Cleanup Day at the $150 level or higher to help us mobilize our community into action!
Our dedicated staff works tirelessly to bring these events to life, gathering passionate volunteers from around coastal Marin to make a significant impact on our watershed, habitats, and wildlife. We invite individuals, businesses, and community organizations to support this ongoing yearly effort with a donation starting at $150. All contributions are 100% tax-deductible.
Your support enables us to coordinate groups across coastal Marin, recruit volunteers, purchase supplies, and build a stronger coalition of organizations and volunteers dedicated to reducing trash and pollution. As a sponsor, you will be acknowledged on our website, at the event, on social media, and in any print or press materials.
In-kind donations of safety vests/gear, reusable bags/buckets, gloves, drinks, snacks, or appreciation gifts for the volunteers are also welcomed.
Event Gallery
This event was founded over 20 years ago by Marin County residents, Rigdon Currie and Dennis Rodoni
(currently our District Four Marin County Supervisor) before the event was handed off to EAC in 2009.

Photos by Sarah Killingsworth